Sunday, December 26, 2010

GPL, BSD or else?

I've still not understood them as well among GPL, BSD or else one. It's quite annoying me. I read a very good article about this. Like the one of "Are you sure you want to use GPL?" which written on Thursday, February 12, 2009. As Armin Ronacher mentioned that:

Recap -- "Before you license your code under an Open Source license: Think about the license! Both types of licenses have their advantages and disadvantages and it would be stupid to use the GPL without thinking just because “everybody does”. Many just do because they haven't read the license either."

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Milkymist One Early Developer Kits (EDK)

Milkymist One Early Developer Kits (EDK) will be sold starting December 27th
by our partner Bearstech at the occasion of the 27C3.

The kit includes a Milkymist One bare board, a high speed JTAG/serial pod
supported by open source software, a power supply adapter and a USB cable. The
boards are fully factory-tested and pre-flashed with Milkymist SoC and

The price will be 380€ including 19.6% VAT. Any remaining stock will be
orderable online from Bearstech's webshop Hackable Devices after January 2nd.

a Milkymist One bare board with acrylic case shown here.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Technology: Can Open Source Help Healthcare?

Technology: Can Open Source Help Healthcare?

This is the content, so I really excited again. I was crazy and wondering that if one can create an open platform for medical product development community. Analysis of these processes is necessary. By the community to create a completely open architecture different from the traditional type of establishment the business model. But subsequently faced the question is: how the flow of funds within the organization gain the trust of the community? Who is to determine the product reliability? product strategy development model evolve? product development cycle need to absolutely set the tone?Although these problems persist and fermentation. But I can think is: if in the future continue to operate through the community to demonstrate the practical: an open architecture that can complete the human health care products.


籃 :俗你看我跟姊姊一起養寵物哩! 土潑鼠跟兔子!


霉 :俗~妹妹剛剛大哭一場啦!我現在好難過喔.....
俗 :怎啦?
霉 :兔子死掉了, 妹妹今天給它喝太多水了, 剛剛送去寵物店, 趕快給老闆看;
       可是說救不活了! 我下班回來, 看妹妹對著籠子大哭啦!
俗 :那兔子現在在那哩?!
霉 :老闆把它裝進袋子裡了......(哽咽.....) 我以後不要再養寵物了.....
俗 :那你們現在在哪?
霉 :在外面思念兔子......(哭泣...) 都是我把它害死了! 我不該跟妹妹把它買回來!
俗 :你等一下跟妹妹聊一下, 看要不要把籠子送走, 這樣放在房間裡, 看了會傷心......
籃 :我已經哭完了啦~沒事了
俗 :你跟跟姐也看看~是不是把籠子要送出去?還是先放幾天?! 跟爺爺一樣, 放些日子

籃 :嗯
俗 :霉~你跟妹妹趕快回家上去洗澡睡覺去

Sunday, November 7, 2010

How Qt could bring better third-party software to Ubuntu

How Qt could bring better third-party software to Ubuntu

A great software engineering behind both a visionary program to develop forward-looking direction far. But what is the best use of the most needed or available to the most original use of the development tools?  From the Ubuntu started with Qt as its third-party software manufacturers promote the point of view, we seem to be aware of this intention of the two organizations: Since Qt uses LGPL, the company makes the most use of the free use or profit-making products, and more widely to promote Qt.

New LGPL Python bindings for Qt slither into the light

New LGPL Python bindings for Qt slither into the light

There is a Project called PySide is established by the OpenBossa and Nokia, and its purpose is to provide structure in the LGPL Python Bindings to link to Qt Toolkit. This is a major bullish news, though different from the Riverbank Computing's PyQt dual license: GPL and commercial license.

But I'm a Python novice, to the discovery of a new book called Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt, began first as a way to learn Python.

I feel I must first learn Python, but also need to closely observe between Nokia and OpenBossa future direction. To prepare need to switch to PySide.

To start PySide, go to Get Involved

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Copyleft Hardware featuring Copyleft Music :) |

Copyleft Hardware featuring Copyleft Music :) |

I like David's idea with this "Hardware Ben NanoNote True Special Editon Nanowar Of Steel Powered By Tuxbrain". "Copyleft Music came from Copyleft Hardware?"Can you guys imagine what scenario could be made? See his promotion then you got answers!


霉(am 8:25 打電話給叔): 俗阿, 房租我繳了喔, 那為甚奶奶說的是繳上個月的而不是這個月的? 還有電費要收 300ㄟ?
俗: 你到現在還搞不清楚! 你在契約裡按時一一註明一下, 不就都一清二楚了嗎? 還有你為何旁邊有類似警察無線對講機的聲音?
霉 : 沒有阿! 我坐計乘車上班去, 快來不及了!
俗 :  MD! 你晚上都去網咖 ! 當然來不及!!! 現在坐計程車上班!!!
霉 : 沒有啦!
俗 : 還沒有! 你妹都說了看見你在網咖了! 我現在懶的跟你說話!!! (叔掛了電話)

俗心中又是 OS 佩服佩服 : 厲害厲害! 我賺的錢比你多幾倍! 都沒坐計程車上班! 你厲害!!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


沒把握的事,謹慎的說  做不到的事, 別亂說
沒發生的事,不要胡說  傷害人的事,不能說

Sunday, September 12, 2010

My third Python book

Rapid GUI Programming with Python and QT: The Definitive Guide to PyQt Programming 

which is differed to prior two books that I bought, this book is brought to you that building GUI prototypes or full-fledged cross-platform GUI applications with native look-and-feel, PyQt 4 is your fastest, easiest, most powerful solution. So that's what I want. 

The examples are here.

Let's see Phil Thompson Talks About PyQt and PyQt in Wikipedia. 

Gotcha's: developing commercial software with PyQT vrs PySide


Tuesday, September 7, 2010


人生的方向, 這問題太深奧; 很遙遠, 不好玩!
現在的生活, 很滿足; 但不要太奢求, 卻值得玩味一番.

小學可以有心儀欣賞的玩伴; 國中可以有愛慕的對象; 高中可以有真實發展的角色; 大學可以過得精彩繽紛的生活, 碩博士要得又是啥玩意? 還好這些我都不是!

這似乎早已不重要, 可不是!?

四十不惑之齡, 顯得格外分明! 不知何時開始, 生活不再祇是一個人的事, 往前努力活在當下的愉悅, 必須有妳才行!

努力往前邁向一個未知的領域, 並非催眠自己, 盲目追隨; 重在絕對相信自己的眼光!
開心可以有現在愉悅從容自在的生活態度, 環繞四周, 一片放牛班景象; 生處其中, 自當出淤泥而不染; 前人早已逝, 後人續重生.

相互扶持, 謹記莫貪瞋癡癲, 才能減少阻礙, 通往未來.

Monday, September 6, 2010

IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level

I got this err:
File "", line 23
self.relay = Serial(port = port)
IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level

after I edited my python codes as following:

def __init__(self, port = '/dev/ttyUSB0', bps = 9600, timeout = 0.1):
"""Open serial port, set baud rate, timeout,
switch all relays off immediately"""
self.relay = Serial(port = port)
self.relay.xonxoff = False
self.relay.rtscts = False
self.relay.baudrate = bps
self.relay.timeout = timeout

Later I found that it's because I've somehow mixed up tabs and spaces in my gedit editor. So if you met with this same err as mine. There might be spaces mixed in with your tabs. Try doing a search&replace to replace all tabs with a few spaces.

You could use:

python -m tabnanny

to check or instead you just set up your editor correctly.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Install eric4 IDE

For some reasons, I'd like to install eric4 IDE to have fun. After I downloaded install package, there's README.txt file shows that the following steps of installation must get them and install them in the following order (order is important). You'd better to follow installation guide from official site, here's just my references to recall while I was installing and learning. So you should always install them depends on your demands.
My environment is Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - the Lucid Lynx

1. Install Qt 4.6.2
1-1. Download, If you want to install this package, pls follow Qt on X11 Platforms
   After configure, it will show:

   Qt is now configured for building. Just run 'make'.
   Once everything is built, you must run 'make install'.
   Qt will be installed into /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.6.3

   To reconfigure, run 'make confclean' and 'configure'.

 1-2. Download Qt 4.6.2
   The above 4.6.3 version didn't install successfully, so I used "Synaptic Package Manager" to install Qt 4.6.2.

2. Build and install SIP 4.11.1, to see installation

   This is SIP 4.11.1 for Python 2.6.5 on linux2.
   The SIP code generator will be installed in /usr/bin.
   The SIP module will be installed in /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages.
   The SIP header file will be installed in /usr/include/python2.6.
   The default directory to install .sip files in is /usr/share/sip.
   The platform/compiler configuration is linux-g++.
   Creating top level Makefile...
   Creating sip code generator Makefile...
   Creating sip module Makefile...

   ~/sudo make install 

   make[1]: Entering directory `/home/adam/packages/sip-4.11.1/sipgen'
   cp -f sip /usr/bin/sip
   make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/adam/packages/sip-4.11.1/sipgen'
   make[1]: Entering directory `/home/adam/packages/sip-4.11.1/siplib'
   cp -f /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/
   strip /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/
   cp -f /home/adam/packages/sip-4.11.1/siplib/sip.h /usr/include/python2.6/sip.h
   make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/adam/packages/sip-4.11.1/siplib'
   cp -f /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/
   cp -f /home/adam/packages/sip-4.11.1/ /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-

3. Build and install QScintilla2.4.5, see installation
    To build and install QScintilla, run:
   ~/cd Qt4
   ~/make install
4. Build and install PyQt4 PyQt-x11-gpl-4.7.6.tar.gz


    Determining the layout of your Qt installation...
    This is the GPL version of PyQt 4.7.6 (licensed under the GNU General Public
    License) for Python 2.6.5 on linux2.

    Type '2' to view the GPL v2 license.
    Type '3' to view the GPL v3 license.
    Type 'yes' to accept the terms of the license.
    Type 'no' to decline the terms of the license.

    Do you accept the terms of the license? yes
    Checking to see if the QtGui module should be built...
    Checking to see if the QtHelp module should be built...
    Checking to see if the QtMultimedia module should be built...
    Checking to see if the QtNetwork module should be built...
    Checking to see if the QtOpenGL module should be built...
    Checking to see if the QtScript module should be built...
    Checking to see if the QtScriptTools module should be built...
    Checking to see if the QtSql module should be built...
    Checking to see if the QtSvg module should be built...
    Checking to see if the QtTest module should be built...
    Checking to see if the QtWebKit module should be built...
    Checking to see if the QtXml module should be built...
    Checking to see if the QtXmlPatterns module should be built...
    Checking to see if the phonon module should be built...
    Checking to see if the QtAssistant module should be built...
    Checking to see if the QtDesigner module should be built...
    Checking to see if the dbus support module should be built...
    DBus v1 does not seem to be installed.
    Qt v4.6.2 free edition is being used.
    SIP 4.11.1 is being used.
    The Qt header files are in /usr/include/qt4.
    The shared Qt libraries are in /usr/lib.
    The Qt binaries are in /usr/bin.
    The Qt mkspecs directory is in /usr/share/qt4.
    These PyQt modules will be built: QtCore, QtGui, QtHelp, QtMultimedia,
    QtNetwork, QtOpenGL, QtScript, QtScriptTools, QtSql, QtSvg, QtTest, QtWebKit,
    QtXml, QtXmlPatterns, QtAssistant, QtDesigner.
    The PyQt Python package will be installed in /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages.
    PyQt is being built with generated docstrings.
    PyQt is being built with 'protected' redefined as 'public'.
    The Designer plugin will be installed in /usr/lib/qt4/plugins/designer.
    The QScintilla API file will be installed in /usr/share/qt4/qsci/api/python.
    The PyQt .sip files will be installed in /usr/share/sip/PyQt4.
    pyuic4, pyrcc4 and pylupdate4 will be installed in /usr/bin.
    Generating the C++ source for the QtCore module...
    Creating the Makefile for the QtCore module...
    Generating the C++ source for the QtGui module...
    Creating the Makefile for the QtGui module...
    Generating the C++ source for the QtHelp module...
    Creating the Makefile for the QtHelp module...
    Generating the C++ source for the QtMultimedia module...
    Creating the Makefile for the QtMultimedia module...
    Generating the C++ source for the QtNetwork module...
    Creating the Makefile for the QtNetwork module...
    Determining the OpenGL data types...
    Generating the C++ source for the QtOpenGL module...
    Creating the Makefile for the QtOpenGL module...
    Generating the C++ source for the QtScript module...
    Creating the Makefile for the QtScript module...
    Generating the C++ source for the QtScriptTools module...
    Creating the Makefile for the QtScriptTools module...
    Generating the C++ source for the QtSql module...
    Creating the Makefile for the QtSql module...
    Generating the C++ source for the QtSvg module...
    Creating the Makefile for the QtSvg module...
    Generating the C++ source for the QtTest module...
    Creating the Makefile for the QtTest module...
    Generating the C++ source for the QtWebKit module...
    Creating the Makefile for the QtWebKit module...
    Generating the C++ source for the QtXml module...
    Creating the Makefile for the QtXml module...
    Generating the C++ source for the QtXmlPatterns module...
    Creating the Makefile for the QtXmlPatterns module...
    Generating the C++ source for the QtAssistant module...
    Creating the Makefile for the QtAssistant module...
    Generating the C++ source for the QtDesigner module...
    Creating the Makefile for the QtDesigner module...
    Generating the C++ source for the Qt module...
    Creating the Makefile for the Qt module...
    Creating QScintilla API file...
    Creating top level Makefile...
    Creating QPy support library for QtCore Makefile...
    Creating QPy support library for QtGui Makefile...
    Creating QPy support library for QtDesigner Makefile...
    Creating QPy support libraries Makefile...
    Creating pyuic4 wrapper...
    Creating pyuic4 Makefile...
    Creating pylupdate4 Makefile...
    Creating pyrcc4 Makefile...
    Creating Qt Designer plugin Makefile...
    ~/make install

 5. Build and install QScintilla2 Python bindings

    To build and install the Python bindings, run:
    ~/ cd Python
    QScintilla 2.4.5 is being used.
    PyQt 4.7.6 is being used.
    Qt v4.6.2 free edition is being used.
    SIP 4.11.1 is being used.
    The QScintilla module will be installed in
    The QScintilla API file will be installed in /usr/share/qt4/qsci/api/python.
    The QScintilla .sip files will be installed in /usr/share/sip/PyQt4.
    The QScintilla module is being built with generated docstrings.
    Generating the C++ source for the Qsci module...
    Creating the Makefile for the Qsci module... 
  ~/make install 

6. Download eric4-4.4.8.tar.gz and Install eric4
    but I've not installed successfully and got err below:

    Checking dependencies
    Python Version: 2.6.5
    An internal error occured.  Please report all the output of the program,
    including the following traceback, to

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 831, in 
    File "", line 744, in main
    File "", line 516, in doDependancyChecks
    from PyQt4.QtCore import qVersion, PYQT_VERSION
    RuntimeError: the sip module implements API v8.0 but the PyQt4.QtCore       

    module  requires API v7.1

    so I sent an email to, then replies as below:

"You probably updated sip to a newer version. Once you do this, you must either
update PyQt4 as well or build it from your sources using the newer sip. After
you've done this, don't forget to rebuild the QScintilla Python bindings. The
issue is not related to eric in any way."

    I got this err since my PyQt version is 4.7.2, so I removed all my PyQt by "Synaptic Package Manager" and download a version 4.7.6 from PyQt4 PyQt-x11-gpl-4.7.6.tar.gz

    ~/sudo python

    [sudo] password for adam:
    Checking dependencies
    Python Version: 2.6.5
    Found PyQt
    Found QScintilla2
    Qt Version: 4.6.2
    PyQt Version:  4.7.6
    QScintilla Version:  2.4.5
    All dependencies ok.

    Compiling user interface files...

    Compiling source files...

    Installing eric4 ...

    Installation complete.

ref.: 1,

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I tried to install Moonlight in my Ubuntu 9.04, but it still can not work. Hopefully I can fix this later.


意外看到了這一標題, 它很清楚的表達了所謂的博士; 簡單明白, 有教育意涵; 但它卻最後提醒了各位別忘了你的來時路.


这篇来自美国犹他大学的助理教授Matt Might,原址在这里。汉化:阮一峰

美国犹他大学的助理教授Matt Might,用这组图解释,博士学位到底是什么意思。他说,每年都有新生的入学教育,但是有些观点语言说不清楚,不如画图。

Monday, August 30, 2010

My second Python book

I bought my second Python handbook called Python 3 技術手冊.  The author is the funder of . This handbook is exactly what I want. Sometimes that reading a technical book wrote in English is good for learning English. But for me now, the fast way to finish my first UI python program and write an unique, compact even more powerful and reuseful classes and libaries is now my first top priority after daily work. Last week I also bought a book called GIMP創意影像設計18堂課. I like this open source software, but now I can not use it. So I expectedly hope to use it as tool to design my web pictures.



找到一個介紹鉭聚合物電容與二氧化錳電容介紹的文章, 挺不錯的, 當參考ㄅㄟ.

Pick and Place Outputs Options

I have problem about generating Pick and Place file. The value of Center-Y is bigger than the board Y size, how can I fix this problem?
After spent some hot surfing, found said Moving the Board Shape which I think that I successfully moved the board into origin point then go for generating pick and place file.

From Design > Board Option to check current sheet position. My sheet position is X: 25.4mm, Y:25.4mm, Width: 254mm, Height: 203.2mm.

Then follow instructions above to use Move Board Shape to move shape to oringin (0, 0). Select Edit » Move » Move Selection by X, Y, then enter X: -25.4mm, Y:-25.4mm.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


主向配說 : 我幫雷媽媽做事照顧她是為了彌補我以前犯的過錯, 可是她給我 1 千元, 我要是不收, 她會向鄰居說這人怎饃這樣!我上次她給我2千元, 我拒絕又不行, 那我心裡想那乾脆拿給她女兒的廟寺, 當作是添香油錢; 哪知她女兒又退還給雷媽媽, 結果又惹的她生氣. 你說我這次要怎饃做才好?!

配 : 那你這次自己拿去做好事就好了阿? 這樣你既收了她的好意, 又做點小功德 !

主 : 不是阿! 她如果又去跟人家說我拿了她的錢, 怎饃辦?

配 : 你很矛盾哩 ! 你到底是想怎樣? ! 要懺悔, 又不要人家說閒話 ! 那你就不要幫人家嘛! 幫了, 你又在煩惱 ! 你錢收了, 拿去做善事. 問心無愧, 你管她愛怎饃說三道四, 隨她去嘛 !

配心裡納悶 OS : 你這是哪門子的懺悔與做好事!

Saturday, August 28, 2010


叔 : 你剩多少錢阿?
霉: 不知道耶! 哪你還說要回宜蘭看阿嬤, 你連多少錢都不知道, 你說要回宜蘭.
叔心中又是佩服佩服 : 厲害厲害!


霉 :  叔叔你跟阿嬤說我只剩300喔! 我好失望!
叔 : 活該 !
叔 : 你怕丟臉喔! 每月賺的錢, 到今天只剩 300 ; 只有三種現象會變成這樣 : 吃很好, 玩很大, 粧很多.
叔心中納悶 : 厲害厲害!

Soldering Paste caused an unexpected failure

Today I tried to reflash a SIE platform which is one top side with two layers pcb, so all the parts on top sides. I replaced a 64MB instead of 32MB. After that, I can not reflash rootfs image at some blocks and got fail.

My test script file is as:
sudo usbboot -f ./usbboot_2gb_nand.cfg  -c "boot"
sudo usbboot -f ./usbboot_2gb_nand.cfg  -c "nerase 16 512 0 0"
sudo usbboot -f ./usbboot_2gb_nand.cfg  -c "nprog 2048 $ROOTFS 0 0 -n"

adam@adam-laptop:~/sie_aw_reflash/sie_fs$ ./
[sudo] password for adam:
usbboot - Ingenic XBurst USB Boot Utility
(c) 2009 Ingenic Semiconductor Inc., Qi Hardware Inc., Xiangfu Liu, Marek Lindner
This program is Free Software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.

Now checking whether all configure args valid: YES
Current device information:
CPU type is Ingenic XBurst Jz4740
Crystal work at 12MHz, the CCLK up to 252MHz and PMH_CLK up to 84MHz
SDRAM Total size is 32 MB, work in 4 bank and 16 bit mode
Nand page per block 128, Nand page size 4096, ECC offset in OOB 12, bad block offset in OOB 0, bad block page 127, use 1 plane mode
 Execute command: boot
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Already booted.
usbboot - Ingenic XBurst USB Boot Utility
(c) 2009 Ingenic Semiconductor Inc., Qi Hardware Inc., Xiangfu Liu, Marek Lindner
This program is Free Software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.

Now checking whether all configure args valid: YES
Current device information:
CPU type is Ingenic XBurst Jz4740
Crystal work at 12MHz, the CCLK up to 252MHz and PMH_CLK up to 84MHz
SDRAM Total size is 32 MB, work in 4 bank and 16 bit mode
Nand page per block 128, Nand page size 4096, ECC offset in OOB 12, bad block offset in OOB 0, bad block page 127, use 1 plane mode
 Execute command: nerase 16 512 0 0
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Erasing No.0 device No.0 flash (start_blk 16 blk_num 512)......
 Finish! Return: 00 08 01 00 00 00 00 00 (position 528)
 Force erase, no bad block infomation!
usbboot - Ingenic XBurst USB Boot Utility
(c) 2009 Ingenic Semiconductor Inc., Qi Hardware Inc., Xiangfu Liu, Marek Lindner
This program is Free Software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.

Now checking whether all configure args valid: YES
Current device information:
CPU type is Ingenic XBurst Jz4740
Crystal work at 12MHz, the CCLK up to 252MHz and PMH_CLK up to 84MHz
SDRAM Total size is 32 MB, work in 4 bank and 16 bit mode
Nand page per block 128, Nand page size 4096, ECC offset in OOB 12, bad block offset in OOB 0, bad block page 127, use 1 plane mode
 Execute command: nprog 2048 openwrt-xburst-qi_lb60-root.ubi 0 0 -n
 Programing No.0 device, flen 78118912, start page 2048...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Erasing No.0 device No.0 flash (start_blk 16 blk_num 149)......
 Finish! Return: 80 52 00 00 00 00 00 00 (position 165)
 Force erase, no bad block infomation!
 Size to send 78118912, transfer_size 524288
 Image type : without oob
 It will cause 149 times buffer transfer.
 Writing NAND page 2048 len 524288...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Finish! (len 524288 start_page 2048 page_num 128)
 Checking 524288 bytes... Comparing 524288 bytes - SUCCESS
 End at Page: 2176
 Writing NAND page 2176 len 524288...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Finish! (len 524288 start_page 2176 page_num 128)
 Checking 524288 bytes... Comparing 524288 bytes - FAIL at off 0, wrote 0x55, read 0xff
  off 0 write: 55 42 49 23 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  off 0 read:  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
 CPU data: Boot4740
 mark bad block : 17
 Mark bad block at 17
 End at Page: 2304
 Writing NAND page 2304 len 524288...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Finish! (len 524288 start_page 2304 page_num 128)
 Checking 524288 bytes... Comparing 524288 bytes - SUCCESS
 End at Page: 2432
 Writing NAND page 2432 len 524288...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Finish! (len 524288 start_page 2432 page_num 128)
 Checking 524288 bytes... Comparing 524288 bytes - SUCCESS
 End at Page: 2560
 Writing NAND page 2560 len 524288...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Finish! (len 524288 start_page 2560 page_num 128)
 Checking 524288 bytes... Comparing 524288 bytes - FAIL at off 32, wrote 0x0, read 0x2
  off 24 write: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  off 24 read:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 CPU data: Boot4740
 mark bad block : 20
 Mark bad block at 20
 End at Page: 2688
 Writing NAND page 2688 len 524288...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Finish! (len 524288 start_page 2688 page_num 128)
 Checking 524288 bytes... Comparing 524288 bytes - FAIL at off 0, wrote 0x55, read 0xff
  off 0 write: 55 42 49 23 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  off 0 read:  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
 CPU data: Boot4740
 mark bad block : 21
 Mark bad block at 21
 End at Page: 2816
 Writing NAND page 2816 len 524288...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Finish! (len 524288 start_page 2816 page_num 128)
Error - can't set the address on Ingenic device: -110
Error - can't set data length on Ingenic device: -110
Error - can't set Ingenic device nand ops: -110
Error - can't read bulk data from Ingenic device:-110
Error - can't read bulk data from Ingenic device:-110
 Checking 524288 bytes... Comparing 524288 bytes - FAIL at off 0, wrote 0x55, read 0x35
  off 0 write: 55 42 49 23 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  off 0 read:  35 18 04 00 74 15 80 04 03 00 80 04 f1 04 bb 02
 End at Page: -297579704
 Skip a old bad block !
 Writing NAND page -297579704 len 524288...
Error - can't retrieve XBurst CPU information: -110
 Device unboot! Boot it first!

The root cause was that I didn't clean soldering paste well with cleaner around SDRAM. Actually this is surprised for me! Since I frequently didn't clean soldering paste after rework or repair while faced over than or equally 4 layers pcba. So this implies another phenomenon. The data bus run along only top side is really dangerous and easily encountered unexpected equivalent impedance caused by other materials mixed with buses.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


/# minicom -s
In [configuration] menu, > "Serial port setup"
A - Serial Device : /dev/ttyS0
E - Bps/Par/Bits : 57600 8N1
F - Hardware Flow Control : No
G - Software Flow Control : No

In [configuration] menu, > "Serial setup as dfl"
> "Exit" or "Exit from Minicom"

then press CTRL - "A" then "X" to exit.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010



甲母 : 又做錯事了, XD , 我怕了; 別人教得好, 你讓他們問問看看怎教比較好, 萬一弄不好, 又怪我們頭上來, 成了冤大頭了, 我可不要!

乙女 : 哭著打電話問 丙 『我瞞著甲母說我做錯了嫁禍給姊姊要怎給出個作法怎辦才好 !!!』

丙男 : 喔!這樣喔!把電話拿給丁父聽 !

丙男 : 要交代是嗎? 錯都錯了, 你是要乙女給出個交代是嗎 ?

丁父 : 是. 做錯事要給出個辦法來阿?!甲母是這樣的, 是我的話就不用!
丙男 : 喔!你年紀輕時, 都不會犯錯吼!? 甲母是皇帝嗎 ? 一定要給出個交代才行是喔 !!!???
丙男 : 哇 ! 我看你們都病了, 真是病了; 雖不至於病到變態, 但真是 XD 病了!!!
... 被丁父掛電話了....

... 幾分鐘後...

乙女 : 哭著打電話給丙男, 『丁父, 要我現在回阿嬤家去!!!』


甲母、丁父 : ㄟㄟ~老公老婆~阿我們都先挪用別人的錢, 現在慘跌耶, 回收不來了, 阿怎辦才好???

甲母 : 嗯~是; 說了會丟死人, 還是別說得好, ...你給我好好管好 XX 女就好.


甲母 : 不要做出讓我會丟臉的事, 這樣你叫我要怎饃做人!!! 如果不聽話或是有想離家出走的念頭, 就是背叛我!
丁父對著兩女說教 : 你們這樣不受教, 你們也體諒一下甲母的用心苦心, 你們會不會做人家的女兒阿!!! 想要人疼, 就該要懂事一點阿!!!
丙男 : 喔! 這樣喔! 厲害厲害!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Videogame that Teaches Japanese

Kotodama is targeted towards high school age kids with an interest in videogames and Japanese anime. It developed by using Panda3D. Panda3D is a game engine, a framework for 3D rendering and game development for Python and C++ programs. This is some sort of my dreams.

A homemade receiver for GPS & GLONASS satellites

這世界上真正懂Global Positioning System (GPS) and the russian GLObal NAvigation Satellite System (GLONASS) 理論又能親手用最遠古的技術全DIY, 打造出來; 在台灣我沒見過; 恐怕也難有人懂所有打造接受器所需要的所有技術與知識. 現在返樸歸真應該要多多推行, 參考 Matjaz Vidmar 的業餘世界裡如何親手製作這套系統: 理論類比電路數位電路以及軟體. 這是相當令人著迷的. 太欣賞這樣的大師級人物了!

Ref. OpenSourceGPS   

Friday, July 16, 2010

Copyleft & Copyright

一直以來我總是覺得韓愈的"聞道有先後, 術業有專攻"這論調是正確的, 但需要再加兩句話!但是否一定是非要尊師重道, 亦或是非得要至少經過技能檢定才算是基本術業有成?現代的學生很辛苦, 在學校要抬老師的轎, 自己的創意最後也要冠上老師的大名; 然後才叫尊師嗎?出了社會為了糊口飯吃還要注意自己的作品是否觸犯了別人的發明與專利?渾蛋一籮筐! 那如果無法術業有專攻, 就抹煞了人出生下來應有的享受嗎?我不想說權利. 因為會有人說也要有義務. 真的是這樣嗎?! 最近在 Community 上有一些人發表新的 "Open Hardware Creative Commons Draft" 定義, 我個人覺得很無聊!說穿了, 不就是又想要另闢一片天地. 何須呢? 如同我同事 XiangFu的一篇好文章"自由 共享 合作 融合"所述, 我們應該停止再做這樣子的事. 如維基百科"海納百川,有容乃大"一樣採用CC-by-sa-3.0協議 真正自由 共享 合作 融合, 而不是限制 約束 封閉 保護!!!

因為“教會徒弟”,會“餓死師傅”, 所以要“訂定規則,尋求創新”?舉凡發明專利等制度是所為何來?從小到大,考試寫作文章,不都是要引經據典越多分數越高?不都是只要署名即可?難道像是我寫這文章時韓愈會冒出來大聲罵我你隨便亂用,要告我侵權,賠賞他這位已故的大文豪!!! 若是我現在仿冒了王羲之的大作, 各位想看看會如何?

但活生生了到近代卻不同, 創立了一堆自私自利的遊戲規則. 阻礙了人類先天自然的發展.

想法、文化、思想、軟體、硬體與許許多多的東西都變成了"聞道有先後, 雖術業有專攻; 非創新標異者, 勿任意使用" ,這所有一切的阻礙物, 都是貪瞋癡癲的創作品.

推薦大家使用"創用CC" 接觸這新的方法, 可以脫離以上的怪象, 但大家還是要多多熟識創用CC 的幾種不同協議用法, 以選擇出適合自己的. 所以應該要可以是"聞道有先後, 術業有專攻; 使用CC-by-sa-3.0協議 ,可自由使用"才是.

哼!無論是 Copyleft 或是 Copyright, 在各自的遊戲規則下也都只好乖乖遵守ㄅㄟ. 這世界上似乎就是這樣, 當然我們不希望一種現象它是永遠不滅的, 正因為這世界上還有一群人提倡著 Copyleft 得以讓人們知道原來還有一種選擇. 就像我現在幾乎離不開 Linux 一樣了, 才知原來作業系統作啥非得要W勒, 而且現在 Ubuntu 系統越來越愛不釋手了.

不過不是痛恨 W , 而是各有各的優缺點.
大家各取所需吧! 東=西, 西=東. 呵呵呵

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Reflash My Ben NanoNote with official debian

Finally I started to reflash my Ben as steps below: [The steps you can also follow here.]
1, Install xburst-tools
2, Choose one of the three methods below to re-flash the NAND. I chose using -- easiest but least likely to work perfectly

$ cd /tmp/
/tmp$ wget
--2010-07-14 13:49:37--
正在連接||:80... 連上了。
已送出 HTTP 要求,正在等候回應... 200 OK
長度: 49414 (48K) [application/x-debian-package]
Saving to: `xburst-tools_0.0+201004-0.1_i386.deb'

100%[======================================>] 49,414      37.6K/s   in 1.3s 

2010-07-14 13:49:39 (37.6 KB/s) -- 已儲存 ‘xburst-tools_0.0+201004-0.1_i386.deb’ [49414/49414])

sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends libconfuse0
正在讀取套件清單... 完成
正在讀取狀態資料... 完成
libconfuse0 已經是最新版本了。
  linux-headers-2.6.31-17 scim-modules-table libboost-regex1.37.0 libboost-wave1.37.0 anthy
  linux-headers-2.6.28-15 scim-chewing libboost-program-options1.37.0 scim-tables-zh libass1
  libboost-thread1.37.0 libmysqlclient15off ruby1.8 ruby libboost-signals1.37.0
  ttf-arphic-bsmi00lp libboost-graph1.37.0 libboost-iostreams1.37.0 ttf-arphic-gbsn00lp
  libffado0 libphonon4 language-pack-zh-base scim-pinyin libgmyth0 liblrdf0
  language-pack-gnome-zh-base libgraphicsmagick1 stardict-plugin-gucharmap
  language-pack-kde-zh-base libboost-python1.37.0 linux-headers-2.6.28-15-generic
  qt4-qtconfig linux-headers-2.6.31-17-generic
使用 'apt-get autoremove' 來將其移除。
升級 0 個,新安裝 0 個,移除 0 個,有 0 個未被升級。

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


因為現在工作的關係, 很需要這種搜尋服務, 如果想回到以前曾經居住或是想去一個新的地點, 就可以在 Qon 先上網輸入地址看看目的地附近有沒有無線上網功能, 真好用.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


看了報紙,欣喜閱讀了一篇好報導 : "生態教養 范欽慧帶女兒 大自然裡找感動",感興趣的可以直接 google 一下。為何對她印象深刻呢?! 其實是有一回我搭311公車經過台大,遇見一位非常令我感覺平易近人的中年女乘客,她手中玲著裝有幾隻小蝦子, 水草及池水的袋子;旁邊坐著的是一位阿嬤帶著小孫女。自然好奇的小女孩展露充滿自然無比好奇的童語不斷地訊問這位女乘客。她開始像是將池塘裡活生生的生態教育課直接在這班公車後座段部分上起課來了。


而看了相關范欽慧的新聞報導,才使我聯想到公車上的這段小插曲。也許哪一天,我應該去看看她接拍公視的《黑潮三部曲》與《跟著節氣去旅行》。她的 blog 立地台灣(NATIVE) 非常值得推薦。特別是她在國立教育電台製作主持的節目:每週日下午五點的自然筆記。大家可以去聆聽看看。

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

CP Bogotá 2010 - Desarrolladores: MilkyMist One Interactive VJ Station

Amazing~~~ this is my first time to watch presentation from Wolfgang. Bravo!!!

If you want to know more this different new type of open computer to create audio and video works, you can check Milkymist official site.


大家一定都去過夜市吃小吃,我也喜歡,但到是沒那麼常去。通常都是一時興起。今晚跑去南雅夜市逛逛,想說就先吃藥燉排骨好了。吃著吃著~我做啥顧別人看我的吃相呢?那排骨不就是越是把藏在骨頭間所有的肉跟筋都吃下肚,越是 enjoy 嗎?! 不是就是夜市小吃的魅力嗎?!本來我還有點彆扭的,正好前桌有一家人吃的正起勁! 最令我稱羨的畫面是爸爸啃著骨頭,雙手猛使勁的想將所有骨頭都將它支離,好吃下那藏在骨縫間任何的一絲絲嫩筋肉! 兒子也跟著像是抓把手扒雞一般猛地撕扯!!! 真是讓我也不管三七二十一了,撕扯吧! 反倒是女孩子們都較秀氣點。那位媽媽也是。


我不就是真想吃嗎?! 管別人做啥? 忽然間白癡到心想看誰吃的比較乾淨? 哈哈哈~ "絲"肉無存~~




Sunday, June 27, 2010


一定以為我跑去哪裡拍的是吧?! NO!!! 路過台北市政府前的路旁大花盆拍低。


意外發現有一家 SolidYear 原是家傳統電腦周邊設計製造商,卻開始轉型往個人居家生活助理產品邁進。他們出了一款利用一般家庭常用的多盞標準E27燈泡插座,聰明地將一般的IP Camera設計如更換E27燈泡一般容易安裝,而視訊訊號更是透過AC 110V電源線直接傳送到一只橋接器後,便可以簡單的接到一般IP分享器。就因為自己以前曾接觸過監控產業,特別覺得這家很聰明。跟一位PM閒聊後,他們也知DVR,IP CAMERA,VIDEO SERVER等市場競爭非常激烈,獲利不佳。他們的後端系統整合的算是很好。這項"遠端關懷即插用 Any.Easy Cam"利用電源線傳輸影像,可對接16隻攝影鏡頭。可即時或預約錄影,觸發警示功能可即時發送E-mail。可上網3G手機或電腦隨時隨地觀看。與一般DVR沒兩樣。

另外 Bolgarli 的 Wellness 衛您洗馬桶超喜歡。DM 製作的非常用心,我幾乎幻想如劉德華的親愛的馬桶一樣,在以前內湖上班時的馬桶就是讓人有"親密摯友"的感覺。只能說下一次浴廁要對自己好一點,來裝這種每天好好對待自己~哈哈哈~品牌阿品牌~就是沒話說~

有一個叫做"智慧型數位桌",點子還挺 OK的。現在六七八年級的應該大部分都會使用電腦吧!? 過些年社區的老人社交互動~用這個4人可同時操作的觸控桌子應該就算不會電腦,觸控一下,隨手可得我想。看到這裡~你大概也想到: 那有沒有4人數位麻將桌阿?! 有!!! 但我忘了拿 DM~呵呵



Saturday, June 26, 2010

Milkymist One

After 6 months, Milkymist One has manufactured by Sharism. This is designed by . They successfully demonstrated new Milkymist SOC v0.6 on Milkymist One prototype. There are more information about development, process and document recorded in Qi Hardware wiki page. Their copyleft conceipts let you can re-produce the product under CC-BY-SA & GFDL license. Amazing? Right? Yes, you can produce them from those copylef knowledge to build your own product. I support manufacturing of Milkymist One project and currently work for Sharism. This first RC1 version is now completedly produced. So far now is developing the software on Spartan-6 FPGA. Hopefully we'll see a total solution of this hardware platform soon. And eveyone can re-produce them whatever they want. You can take a look on this board here.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Qtime Open book

多年以前跟朋友曾去漫畫王, 但沒啥特別舒適感, 可能跟我當時心情有關吧! 今天路過想想累了就進去 Qtime Open book 忠孝店, 既然來了就不想看自己帶來的書. 隨手拿了許多雜誌來看; 看到了我最喜歡的 Janet 上了封面人物耶, 總是要忍不住多看看這美麗不做作的她! 根本我都不知道我拿得雜誌是寫啥的~總之~那不重要! 看著她我心情自然好就好囉. 後來才知我看的是《男人幫》 雜誌, 適逢創刊10週年, 找來《瘋台灣》的主持人 Janet 做封面人物 : The Real Woman In The Real World -- Janet!!! 男人幫編輯群有眼光~~所見略同~~哈哈哈~~

對 Janet 的了解並非外貌使然, 但哪個男人不會多看一眼, 我可不信! 但真正吸引我的, 是她的個性. 不須特別如何形容她囉, 只要瀏覽過幾篇她的 blog 就會喜歡了, or
Interview with "TAIWAN OUTLOOK" program -1
Interview with "TAIWAN OUTLOOK" program -2
Interview with "TAIWAN OUTLOOK" program -3

第一次看男人幫雜誌, 直覺是以後去書店都要看它一眼. 這群編輯群, 我這次是開了眼見, 超喜歡的~XD真是笨蛋~~ 我的腦袋現在感覺超屌的~~

另外發現有人特別介紹《真旅網》很不錯, 下次我就來試試唄.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


最近因為有空就學一下 Python,但學習基礎功,總是枯燥乏味的。但總給自己鼓勵,書中真有黃金屋的!!!而這黃金幻想是無比踏實的喜悅滿足感。所有真能實現夢想的人,多半不是理智者。一個可實現看得到的東西,往往出自狂熱分子的強烈欲望使然,但畢竟是人。我學了一下,當然已見到Python 無語能比的強大,與我可以想像到的東西由它來揮灑。但我卻忘了所有open source 最最原本的面貌是簡單。

偶然機會今天看了一下同事 XiangFu 的 blog 一篇文有關自由軟件的文化,讓我心中又激起無限的可能與熱情。我超喜歡他最後寫的一句話" 只要我们每天都在学习进步。早晚会有质的变化。"~~呵呵~可不是嗎!

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Administrative details referred to in the covering letter effective DD May 2010.

* General Banking
- Your account number and account details remain unchanged.
- The Bank Code (AAA) and SWIFT Code (BBBBBBBB) remain unchanged.
- All branch locations and telephone numbers remain unchanged.
- Cheque books, ATM cards, Visa Debit Cards and Credit Cards issued by CCCC Taiwan Branch prior to 1 May 2010 remian valid.
- Any mortgages you have with us, together with any security arrangements, will be transferred to CCCC Taiwan Subsidiary on 1 May 2010. At the beginning of 2011, you will receive seperate loan interest certificates pertaining to the mortgage loan interest received - one from CCCC Taiwan Branch for the period 1 January 2010 to 30 April 2010 and another one from CCCC Taiwan Subsidiary for the period 1 May 2010 to 31 December 2010.

* Counter transfers and inward domestic remittances
- If you are to receive domestic inward payments in NTD after 1 May 2010, please advise the remitting party that NTD payments are to be directed to your account as follows:
        Your Name:
        Your Account Number:
        Beneficiary Bank: CCC Bank (Taiwan) Limited
        Bank Code Number: ***

* Inward remittances from abroad or in foreign currency
- If you are to receive inward pyments in foreign currencies or from countries outside of Taiwan for value date after 1 May 2010, please advise the remitting party that payments are to be directed to your account as follows:
        Your Name:
        Your Account Number:
        Beneficiary Bank CCC Bank (Taiwan) Limited
        SWIFT Code: ********

* Repayment of loans including mortgages, car loans, personal loans, cash cards and credit cards
- If you wish to repay any loans through local remittances after 1 May 2010, please advise the remitting party that payments are to be directed to CCCC Bank (Taiwan) Limited. All other remittance details for repayment of your loan remain unchanged.
- Any credit card payments slips issued prior to 1 May 2010 remain valid until 1 August 2010. We will issue a new credit card payment slip after 1 May 2010.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Milkymist project news, May 20th

Milkymist has posted news on From my views, being as an pioneer who strongly insists on promoting the live synthesis of interactive visual effects for VJs (video performance artists). It's not easy for me to do this thing even I've been not found my interesting area. But there's an obvious phenomenon is only do what you CAN do or easily LEARN from your current skills you have now. And  keep moving forward then a few contributors will join your paradise yard. Doesn't it?

I like his idea on three sub-projects: the Milkymist™ One interactive VJ station ( I am supporting him on this. ), the Milkymist™ SoC and the Flickernoise VJ software. All of them are huge and not available now. How I can learn from him to handle those three big projects is important to me. Because I still have also three big ideas to be moving on this moment. No idea that I can kick off myself. Am I lost myself now?

But again, I like activity of the STOP Software Patents . EU Petition. When will Taiwan also come out this kind of one? Don't know. I gave my point views on here.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My First Python Book

Eventually I bought a book of Programming Python by Mark Lutz. Why I wanted to buy this handbook. The reasons are:
1, Free Tool, not like other Wxxx...
2, Easily readable back when I am elder.
3, Don't need to learn new Wxxx....operation system every time when OS is upgraded.
4, Learn this language one time in Linux then get myself happiness.
5, Build my own test environment.
6, Learn a GUI tool by Python to go for my goals to have a retirement plan.

Christopher  & Carlos suggested me also to learn this great language. They have more experiences than me in this such field. Especially Christopher pointed me that repository which have a testudo I can start to study from it. That's the test program he did for that device. I was happy that I can co-work with him when I was at openmoko. So no more wrong directions should be happened unexpectedly as following their past ways in possessing skills with over ten to twenty years. How such stupid I did to follow Wxxxxx....for several years! I made a very very stupid mistake! There are tons of softwares that use Python here. Damn it! I learn this too slow! Well.....actually not slow to an elder Adam now. I'll see where I can go. But then a real one thing is that I really got an obliviousness about leaving my scooter stayed at underground parking of Taipei Shien City Hall. And took a 307 bus back home. As usual way to back my home. Suddenly, indeed I am very elder now..hehe..
一些中文 Python 教學 Web sites:
1, Python 教學文件
2, Python教學
3, 程式語言: 教學誌
4, 遊戲設計-pygame
5, The Eric Python IDE

Thursday, May 13, 2010

13 Open source hardware companies making $1 Million or More

I was thinking that Future this word is not meant you should make yourself ready on something then you will meet or make it. What I am envolving on the field is  an unknown businese model or scale we meet. Looking on video below you will see that how and where those comminities are moving forward. How to make FUNny open source hardware with easy is a much exciting topic for me. I tried to find a way that can easily come through via normal live and life. But it's not easy also not difficult somehow. Start from ground, fly in the sky! 

You could also ref. to here.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

NanoNote+Arduino Video Clip

David posted an application that using Ben NanoNote pocket computer and Arduino plateform. If you are interested with them, you can aslo see more info from here.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Incredible! So such fantastic! The stunning voice comes unexpectedly. Without a doubt that her performance shows extraordinarily sanguine 'singer'. What I've learnt from this is believing your whiz which is only you can do. Everyone is pulled willy-nilly into this legend. Me too. This program makes me remembered an article called TV Could Nourish Minds and Hearts. Ellwood Kieser(TIME, Sept. 14, 1992, p. 80). I liked its said. Look at her! Her's every piece of smiles is so purely innocence. Not only her voice also this made my eye almost tear. I believe that approves wonderful thing of The Sound of Music is existed everywhere.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Install ffmpeg2theora

With this tool, you can easily convert MOV file into OGV file.
1, Firstly get into download page to download.
2, Get into your download path to follow up installations.
3, Reference to the EXAMPLES or command line examples segment to enjoy it.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

2nd Trip to Shenzhen

如前次一般,再次又來到熟悉的赤鱲角機場,不同的是,這次我選擇乘坐國泰航空,讓自己旅途舒適點。此時還是早上 9: 20 分,已抵達這裡,沒有9年前的興奮但也沒有莫名的感傷。有時候祇是會慶幸現在的自己,雖無拘無束,卻也不會殷切奇盼著有很特別的未來。 8 點下了飛機,正等著搭船去內地的我。很高興可以去見見老闆,心情不再是壓力的呈現。


我很怕暈船,今天的香港機場渡船碼頭風蠻大的,看著渡船搖晃的樣子,生平平衡感不好的我~不是滋味!!! 還好坐著坐著遙望遠處好一些。

這回沒有像上次那樣有買材料的壓力,這次邊吃飯邊閒聊著以後的方向。晚上我們多是去品嘗中式料理,W吃得挑一點,我呢吃ㄆㄣ長大的,甚麼都好! Yi 和我當然會點一些我們喜歡的東西~哈哈~~我跟Yi說W太胖了該注意些~W也老總是再說再說啦~這次W變成老人家了~腰扭著了,我都忘了拍拍他的樣子~哈哈~一路這三天半我們都說笑著~不過W總要喝 Starbuck說是動力的來源! 我倆只好都順著他!~他其實總是嘴硬~呵呵~後來才知道他以前不喝 coffee的,是在OM咖啡因中毒了~ㄏㄏ。
我們像是小孩一樣,總是要求他們快一點啦~錢不是問題等等的~有時受不了內地人的做事方式,但隔天後;W總又會說: 他可能感受壓力很大,我們還是放過他好了;免得他受不了我們等等的~~呵呵。




CX468 航班來了......

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hot Blooded

I learnt this phrase today. I still don't understand that what meaning involved? People sometimes are moving slowly to a firm target he/she wondered at some times then. Developing his/her plans to achieve their profitable assets which are not originally belonged to themselves.

Friday, April 9, 2010

The week: Open Hardware

There's a news about open hardware. The discussion is described in German. Check here. Or using google translattion in here. More news about Qi /Sharism, see their product called Pocket computer with an open hardware platform for 99 euros.

New ways of get in touch with Qi Hardware community

David always have incredible promotive idea on pictures, flyers with his artistry.
New ways of get in touch with Qi Hardware community

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

RF & SENSOR Modules

Uncluttering the copyleft hardware planet

"Copyleft hardware is commercial hardware, targeted to non-technical folks, people who want to have a life and are in no way clamoring for an opportunity to build their own electronic devices. Copyleft hardware really needs a good looking case. It's not do-it-yourself hardware, it's not for makers, it's for manufacturers." said by Wolfgang. For more details, see this.

microSD Card Description and Pin Out

Monday, April 5, 2010


為了多學習英文撰寫範例: 可以當作參考;

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your continued support of The AAAA Corporation Limited.

依據行中華民國(下同) YY年MM月DD日之通知,本行於取得相關主管機關之核准後,本行在台(下稱{XXXX銀行在台分行})之營業,資產及負債,除部分保留資產及保留負債外,將以分割方式,移轉由XX 集團完全持有之子銀行XXXXX股份有限公司(以下簡稱{XX(台灣)商銀})承受。
We refer to our letter dated DD MM YY in which we informed you that, subject to regulatory, the businesses, assets and liabilities of The AAAA Corporation Limited in Taiwan("XXXX Taiwan Branch"), with the exception of certain retained assets and liabilities, will be transferred to and assumed by a whollyowned subsidiary of the XX Group, named XXXXX Bank (Taiwan) Limited ("XX Taiwan Subsidiary"), by way of de-merger.

本行很高興在此通知您,本行業已取得行政院金融監督管理委員會之分割核准,並於取得其他必要之主管機關的全部核准後, 將於YY年MM月DD日零時起,由XX(台灣)商銀承受XX銀行在台分行全部之交易、文件、合約、權利及義務,為部分將由XX銀行在台分行保留之交易、文件、合約、權利及義務,則不在此限。
We are pleased to advise you that we have now received the Financial Supervisory Commission's approval in respect of our de-merger and, subject to receipt of all other regulatory approvals, as may be required, XX Taiwan Subsidiary will assume all of XX Taiwan Branch's transactions, documents, agreements, rights and obligations, other than those which may be retained by XX Taiwan Branch, with effect from 00:00 on DD MM YY.

Administrative details relating to certain banking products and services, some of which will be changed with effect from DD MM YY, are listed in the attachment for your reference. All other terms and conditions and the status of your relationship will remain unchanged unless announced, advised to and/or agreed with you in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and agreements. In addition, we will also post such information at our branches and on our internet website (......) on or after DD MM YY.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please contact your existing branch, relationship manager or service contact, or call our customer enquiry team on ****** for assistance at any time.

The XX Group is one of the largest banking and financial services organisations in the world, with well-established business in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, the Americas, the Middle East and Africa. The Group's investment in this new banking subsidiary confirms the importance of Taiwan, both as part of XX's Greater China platform and as a key growth market in its own right. We are greateful for your continued trust and support.

Yours faithfully,

Sunday, March 28, 2010


有空又來三峽老街走走, 意外吃到我從沒吃過的口味. 以前吃的手工水煎包總是油泥膩的, 內外都是油, 也鹹重味; 只要看到路邊有總會想試吃一兩顆看看. 這家{萬味風}只做兩種: 一高麗菜包二是鮮肉包. 最近因為不喜吃肉, 只叫了一顆高麗菜包, 剛吃那一口就好心滿意足, 很訝異. 因為外皮完全不油膩, 底層也不煎味十足, 肉餡就是剛剛好合我口, 很喜歡.  你看那煎包上方都白嫩嫩不是黃色那般就知道特別了, 雖然我有經過金牛角店, 但就是沒買, 寧願選這, 哈哈. 跟老闆說借我拍一下~好不好? 他直說 : 現在有數位相機真方便喔? 我連忙說是阿. 還請我多多宣傳一下下,  ㄏㄏ
寄件者 20100328三峽西門町

Text To Speech

I've seen TTS tech before but still not find what I like. The TTS system you can imagine everytime that you will listen the boarding gate message when you are at airport terminal. The reminding messages generated from thus TTS systtem boardcasting. So here I find a China company called ANHUI USTC iFLYTEK Co., Ltd. I still search that beautiful female voice messages like airport broadcasting in Taiwan. If someone knows this system, for example, who produces this system? Is there any vendors related to this in Taiwan? or Any high level voice chip vendor, please let me know. I am not searching the game voice broadcasting one.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Placement, Routing & Sourcing

I am working for one project which is an interactive VJ station. Placement, Routing & Sourcing, yeah...Although there's a lot of works, but it's funny and happy to enjoy this. This industry is very new and interesting for me. Although long long time ago I have been worked in this field before. Especially TV post-production industry, so I have seen many equipments in post production studioroom. For example the famous Avid system, video mixer, etc. I should say this industry to be as Broadcast Engeering. I had have no idea and background on electrical electronic since worked as assistant engineer in 1993 & 1994. This lets me remember my coach Simon who was came from HK. I cherished that incredible experience. Won't forget it! I am thinking that is it possible I can combine this field into my business later? Don't know. Will see.
Ref. : Global placement

Sunday, March 7, 2010


偶爾看看大愛, 生活中可以充滿感恩與幸福. 今天看了"混障縱藝團"的介紹, 推薦給大家, 生活中真正的匱乏不是物質, 從"混障"的活動內容, 讓大家可以聽聽你真實內心底的聲音, 告訴自己:"我一點都不缺啥, 缺的是一顆滿足感恩的心"~一種對生命的感動. ~ 輪轉人生 -- 劉銘. 非常喜歡他講的話: 我是最能夠把心動跟行動縮短距離的人~ 他的週遭朋友稱劉銘是一個最缺乏行動, 可是最具有行動力的人......劉氏格言: 樂觀的人是看到困難被後的機會, 悲觀的人是看到機會後面的困難.

Saturday, March 6, 2010




我不懂啥是神經異常的定義~但似乎發現是否異常的由來~是可能源起於一些無法接受的事實, 或經歷極度後悔事件之後~為了不知如何面對自己的情況下~所作出一系列圓謊, 舒解或是逃避的心理狀態.

我不知自己若是戲中的男主角~自己會怎做? 人人皆會犯錯~又或著是錯過了彌補的時機後常感到無法面對自我~~如同男主角若是早讓老婆去看神經醫學科等, 是否就不會發生這一連串的...但難買早知道! 我們一般人如果學會看待有此類診狀的心理狀態? 並透過親朋好友如何協助轉移這類想法? 或是也是我們看戲之餘可深省的地方.

我們常常在工作, 生意, 感情, 家庭間會有挫折~但怎麼健康的走過這一切~確真的需要智慧. 我自己也做錯過~不是嗎? 總之~這是部很能讓人可說出心裡的戲.

我跟朋友對於最後的結尾煞是感到驚訝!!! 因為被劇情的真實與虛幻間給揶揄了很久~~最後我對這部戲~非常欣賞~更覺得對李奧納多的演技真是大開眼界.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010

Layout Guide Criteria

These days I am reviewing layout guides for keys parts about Spartan-6 FPGA Layout H/W platform, so the layout criteria about this projects can be listed up together. This phase is important that a real placement & route during layout house processing. Pheu, really learned a lot! jeje...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


我上網 google 了一下, 真給他找到,...請看
弦樂器改成右手觸控指撥, 左手一樣可以撥弄合弦. 喜歡電吉他的愛樂者, 別錯過了這難得的創新產品. 不過他的設計也是基於 Linux 平台, 不過我可不欣賞他的"Patent Pending", 取之於 Linux 卻搞 Patent!!! 希望有志者, 跟他拼了, 來個 Open Source Digital Guitar.

廣邀 KiCad 愛好者

相信你收尋到這裡, 想必也是受 KiCad 的 Open Source Layout Tool 給吸引過來!!! 我們是一群堅信與邁向開發 Open Source Hardware Plate form 的 Copyleft 公司, 歡迎任何想以 KiCad 來開發 Open Source Hardware 產品的朋友, 加入這個共同 layout 開發的環境.目前主要的 Project 項目有:

1, Projects List , 以北京君正 Ingenic jz47xx 32位嵌入式处理器,基于君正创新的XBurst CPU微体系架构系列硬體開發為主軸之移動多媒体產品.

2,上述 Projects lists 裡之所有基於開放原始碼延伸之各類軟體開發.

歡迎有興趣的朋友, 可加入 Development List 討論與學習, 或閱接收最新消息.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


今天並未真正到象山步道走去~我只是想去信義吳興街那看看走走~先是知道了步道入口, 後覺得天氣不是太好~作罷! 到是去了松山區吃了碗喜歡的魷魚粳麵(在松德天上媽祖廟前)~ 個人覺得味道挺ok的, 每次來吳興街逸仙路附近就有種默名的親近感~很舒服.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tickets of Swimming

Just bought a set of 30 tickets from, same as last year. Money is bringing to that what I am thinking. I chose health. Of course I like money, who doesn't like?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

9.04 如何設定 NetworkManager 連上 ADSL

怎都沒想到以為 Ubuntu 9.04 很強大, 帶回宜蘭上網 ADSL 竟不能上線~~
9.04 如何設定 NetworkManager 連上 ADSL
或 ADSL每次sudo pppoeconf才能拨号上网的问题 

Friday, February 12, 2010

關於[必教會孩子的事?] 的民調

今天我看到這民調, 我其實一點不覺得如何. 
上述引用來自Yahoo!奇摩新聞. 但我很納悶的事就是這則民調的出發點為何? 
這些結果是來自誰的看法或期望呢? 從 1. 品德禮貌 ~ 到 15. 獨立思考 這麼多選項, 就表示成人父母們對孩子的[望子成龍, 望女成鳳] ? ......我只知道一件很重要的事而已: 上梁不正, 下樑歪 .  當自己都做不好時, 想教會孩子, 多數能成功嗎?

所以應該也要有一項民調給小朋友們來填寫勾選才是, 不是嗎? 
『必教會為人父母者必學會的事?』如何? 所有社會現象來自最基本的家庭, 孩子無辜阿!!!

Happy to Chinese New Year

Time goes fast, last year was past. There's so much woderful things and thanksgiving in 2009. Of course had have sad ones. But being a moving forward. Cheer up! The new coming Chinese Tiger New Year! 

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Thanksgiving Date to Everyone

I am really feeling that what I have now, what I haven't till now, what I will have or whatever it will be later....I thank all of everthing and everyone. I have long time no have such thanksgiving feeling. Any positve stream fills inside of my hearth is to feel more powerful. I hope that everyone can cherish on that what they have not think too many what they don't have too much.
Even I am still single but feel in a state of bliss at this moment. One more week, it'll be having the Chiese New Year. This year I don't have yearly bonus. It's not big deal as a full strong sufficing feelings to be full of my heart. Cause I did one donate thing today. It let me felt good.
While writing this, I am listening to my best web radio To anyone who I loved before can have a feeling with psychological well-being.

Fingerprint Sensor

I am searching those fingerprint sensors that I can use it by implementing my project before. The question is that I used a 256x256 grey scale sensor with bmp file captured before. This is not a new tech now. I just want to explore those software or digital signal inside of techs. Some issues I need to solve them before I implement it by linux program:
a) translate Matlab again into C++ codes
b) apply dsp tool kit especially fft and convolution to implement matlab codes
c) find a hardware platform for this basic dsp and also can accept directly digital format like CCIR-656 from fingerprint sensor
d) linux learning
e) etc


螢火蟲之墓看完後,令我蒙生一個念頭, 這是加深我心中一直想做但找不到著力點的一件事, 希望老天爺能聽的見.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


每次到誠品信義店就像是進入一個特別的國度, 很舒適也可以很悠閒的瀰漫在書海香氣裡, 這裡很適合安安靜靜的待一個下午, 看累了, 隨地而坐, 可以好好歇一會兒. 很喜歡這樣的感覺. 相信生活在台北的人, 是幸福的... 有這麼一個像是短暫休憩的溫馨又安靜的場所, 運氣好還可以親眼目睹大師或作家演講, 想喝點飲料, 也可不用再外出, 這棟總店商場裡就有. 真是好耶. 不過今天我沒買書或雜誌, ㄏㄏ.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

發明家副教授 30年捐2億多

關於這則新聞, 其實個人有些淺見. 拋磚引玉肯定是件好事; 但請試想申請專利的所得到底它的原來面貌是甚麼? 能夠默默奉獻30年, 絕對是件好事, 但並非人人皆可做到!
從小我們在學校學習時, 若沒有政府蓋校, 父母養育, 何來經濟體供應個人可不斷充實知識進而申請專利或發明? 換言之, 所有所謂的知識, 除真正無師自通外, 可說全來自其他, 並非個人. 所有專利發明的申請之念真是為了更美好的人類生活? 還是再創造出另一個溫室效應的地球生態實驗環境??? 一件好事若能堅持持續做, 是在基本經濟基礎能支撐或是堅信基本原則的情況下, 才能持之以恆. 這事的確值得表彰, 但試問千千萬萬人在申請專利與發明的動機時, 又是啥? 有多少人能像這副教授一樣? 所有的企業體其產值如果要去對等二氧化碳百分比時? 一個大型企業再如何宣稱其產值或其回饋社會地球經費與營利比是永遠對地球生態有利的? 有嗎?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Gesture Recognition / Microsoft's project Natal

You must see this news about Project Natal. It's really cool. But actually it has been developed for more than 20 years in the universities. Of course we're expecting the famous companies can make this come true into current life. The New York Times has a report and video for this. Also this application can be promoted like this. It's incredible for future shopping. And also if you want to know that how this techs can be brought into game world. You can visit to know all of those news around.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Milkymist One Repository

Hi, If you want to do open source video & audio platform with Xilinx Spartan-6 fpga, you can visit:
I used their , so you can enter commands on your terminal as:
git clone git://

Monday, February 1, 2010

宜蘭小吃網~ Food in Yilan

今年過年我要好好吃一下宜蘭小吃~跟家人一起去, 懷念ㄛ  here's the english version. you'll like it.因為自己老家在員山囉~所以我推㊣老店 陳茂庚魚丸米粉楊彩卿魚丸米外員山早餐店,ㄏㄏ

Sunday, January 31, 2010



今天難得有興致, 約am11點出門, 下午3:45到板橋; 風景讓我跌破眼睛. 以後可以多多去這條步道走走. 我基本上是照著 走的, 我最喜歡的是櫻花林步道.太久沒走了, 走到我腳酸死了, 後來把時間加長ㄅㄟ...到處晃晃, 還好有帶食物上去, 要不可慘囉...

XBOX 360 messenger Kit

I bought a Messenger Kit today. It's a really cool accessory. I like its shape but dislike its connector.
As you see such a monopolized freak again. Neither pure functionality for 2.5mm headset connector nor power connector purpose. Anyway...I just like this small and nice keyboard. For some reasons, I tried to find any software related to this Xbox, then yes. There's one great site called Xbox-Linux. The Xbox Linux Project aims to provide a version of GNU/Linux for the Xbox, so that it can be used as an ordinary computer. Linux should make use of all Xbox hardware and allow the user to install and run software from standard i386 Linux distributions.
Xbox, is registered trademarks by Microsoft Corp.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Polymeric Positive Temperature Coefficient device(PPTC, Resettable Fuse)

PPTC can protect against overcurrent faults in your circuit. So my question is how we can choose a PPTC device? What circuit's parameters in my design needed to determine first? And how to use those parameters to map manufacturer's catalogs. So there's a title of "Selection steps from the Catalog" which can be found in Fundamentals of PolySwitch Overcurrent and Overtemperature Devices. If you want to use PPTC in your USB circuit design, you can see "PTC Overcurrent Protection for Universal Serial Bus Circuit Designs" or "Meeting USB Overcurrent Protection Requirements" for help.

Vendor Ref.:

Stop Software Patents Petition

As title shown, what the hell is going? Why one group growing up aims to vow to stop software patents as petition which can be proposed around in Europe? And why not in Asia and America? Does this question is fantastic talk or unreality? Watching the link of title, you will get all the answers. But I have a question? Why does this world need close and open groups together? They cant face each side as well. Why? For better benefit? or really for good innovation created better? ACTUALLY I DON'T KNOW. Like my east3yrswest3yrs, I only want to say that east equals west, on the contrary; west still equals east. If you desire to have that benefit. As they have belonged to or monopolized by someones already, or you would just not have proposed expectably something to against.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


最近常常被一些縮寫訊息真給他搞不懂, 就上網查了一下, 哇勒~真的是有專門的啦~ 請看 網路語言. 真是要給它惡補一下下.

Comparisons on special module implemented between KiCad and others layout tool

These days I am little bit pissing myself off to learn KiCad that loving it but hardly to me on linux side. In order to overcome my poor linux skill, i must use my linux laptop everyday. Not only basic also electronic engineering requirements. We are using a two circle rings as button function in KiCad, but there still have some problems. I'd like to fix it but i cant at this moment from ability. So only need spend more time on KiCad field. The followings are just posted on Qi wiki first.
  • Comparisons between RC1 and RC2
S50 key btn on RC1 board

avt2 RC1 S50 key
The following pictures are gerbers in different stacking layers
  • Problem 1
The rc2 mask and solder layer are not circle as same as rc1, if this is the KiCad's limit, then we need to think other way to solve this. Since the metal domn must not contact with copper well when user push buttons due to contact area is too small.
  • Problem 2
The copper layer (GND) is connected to S50's outside ring (short condition).
The above is the problems now I meet, hope they can be fixed later.