為了多學習英文撰寫範例: 可以當作參考;
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your continued support of The AAAA Corporation Limited.
依據行中華民國(下同) YY年MM月DD日之通知,本行於取得相關主管機關之核准後,本行在台(下稱{XXXX銀行在台分行})之營業,資產及負債,除部分保留資產及保留負債外,將以分割方式,移轉由XX 集團完全持有之子銀行XXXXX股份有限公司(以下簡稱{XX(台灣)商銀})承受。
We refer to our letter dated DD MM YY in which we informed you that, subject to regulatory, the businesses, assets and liabilities of The AAAA Corporation Limited in Taiwan("XXXX Taiwan Branch"), with the exception of certain retained assets and liabilities, will be transferred to and assumed by a whollyowned subsidiary of the XX Group, named XXXXX Bank (Taiwan) Limited ("XX Taiwan Subsidiary"), by way of de-merger.
本行很高興在此通知您,本行業已取得行政院金融監督管理委員會之分割核准,並於取得其他必要之主管機關的全部核准後, 將於YY年MM月DD日零時起,由XX(台灣)商銀承受XX銀行在台分行全部之交易、文件、合約、權利及義務,為部分將由XX銀行在台分行保留之交易、文件、合約、權利及義務,則不在此限。
We are pleased to advise you that we have now received the Financial Supervisory Commission's approval in respect of our de-merger and, subject to receipt of all other regulatory approvals, as may be required, XX Taiwan Subsidiary will assume all of XX Taiwan Branch's transactions, documents, agreements, rights and obligations, other than those which may be retained by XX Taiwan Branch, with effect from 00:00 on DD MM YY.
Administrative details relating to certain banking products and services, some of which will be changed with effect from DD MM YY, are listed in the attachment for your reference. All other terms and conditions and the status of your relationship will remain unchanged unless announced, advised to and/or agreed with you in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and agreements. In addition, we will also post such information at our branches and on our internet website (......) on or after DD MM YY.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please contact your existing branch, relationship manager or service contact, or call our customer enquiry team on ****** for assistance at any time.
The XX Group is one of the largest banking and financial services organisations in the world, with well-established business in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, the Americas, the Middle East and Africa. The Group's investment in this new banking subsidiary confirms the importance of Taiwan, both as part of XX's Greater China platform and as a key growth market in its own right. We are greateful for your continued trust and support.
Yours faithfully,
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