Friday, November 27, 2009

Pulmonary Function Tests and Bronchial Challenge Testing

As usual, I went to the hospital today, everytime when enter the hall on the first floor, I heard wonderful music came from the volunteers performed , and I feel like I am on the heavenly comfortable; but this time not the same, is to do pulmonary function tests and bronchial challenge testing . It made me recall Dad's time, not quite like this feeling, but if I can rule out further understand the issue then feel much better. Gratitude to those kind volunteers, unmitigated walked up and down to help with; with a warm gentle smile, warm the hearts inside of mine a lot. And later, I back to auscultation reported today that my stone in mind has also put down.

今天又固定去醫院的日子, 每次進大廳一樓, 聽到來至志工美好的表演樂曲, 心情有如上了天堂般的舒暢; 但這次不一樣, 是去做肺部功能檢查與支氣管誘發試驗. 這讓我憶起老爸的當時, 不是很喜歡這種感覺, 但想起如果可以進一步知道排除問題, 也就心情好些多了. 感恩那些慈祥的志工, 無怨無悔的走來走去幫忙著; 加上一張張親切和藹的笑容, 心中溫暖好多. 回頭聽診今日報告, 心中一顆石頭也放下了. 

但我也還是不知是啥原因讓我很容易喉嚨咳咳的, 上網再查了一下, 竟也發現有人似乎也跟我一樣; 我先記的好了; 醫生也說胃酸逆流也會有可能造成這個原因. 但我胃這些年也都還好, 雖有去看過, 但也是沒事; 總之, 西醫要看; 其他我要用自己的方法求解. 

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