Saturday, November 7, 2009

Alopecia areata dermatology inflammatory asthma sputum

I tried to own medical records in this description, it is the hope of finding like me to have the medical records of people can share.

Earlier this year, around February, I began to have sub-blocks of hair loss phenomenon, this phenomenon, I have some Sese throat irritation even after a cold feeling, like; but I did not go to the hospital out-patient services.

However, during which I started in June of this year to National Taiwan University Hospital to see a dermatologist, but did not get a good doctor-patient interaction, which let me have a negative first-class perception of the hospital. From the beginning of this year in June, my work the beginning of a new mileage monument; you must be a person from their own R & D to find material, learning new software, to conduct contracting operations layout also includes a small amount of trial production arrangements; this period, I much pressure here at the same time; I also As always, as far as possible to find time to swimming pool to do leisure activities. but it can not prevent continued hair white; of course, we have seen a case of a number of emotional factors. I found my own body out of the warning, it tells me my own must first eliminate the trouble that can not be lifted, whether it is work, family, feeling all good; only a first take a good body, otherwise the rest no chance.

So, after I have been in September, will go round the head began to feel the short-term phenomenon; even in severe cases every 2 to 5 minutes to have a 1 ~ 2 seconds, dizziness situation, so I think this is incorrect; went to Tzu Chi Hospital, Taipei Branch to see neurologist, initially the pressure physicians feel that perhaps I was too big, just opened an Andiza 25mg/tab Diphenidol so that I can not be too faint. But a week later I was back to the clinics, the doctor said that is invalid, during which I tried to have to relax , there will be better; but still can not change my hair gray ongoing situation. deep down I just want to say I want to do head computed tomography scan to determine my brain, if there were anomalies. I hate hospitals system, doctors usually only want to address with him the relevant part of the health care system, they will in particular for further testing and analysis. I had to re-hang dermatology, the result is said to be "bald patch" / "Alopecia areataonly said to be " is a result of the non-result ", of course, give me some bald patch may occur for all possible phenomena will have the opportunity to create" bald patch ", but also not what I want; time to see a doctor I would say that when I white-laws seriously, my throat like a cold will have a sense of post-inflammatory; but the fact is I did not cold; after I see the body and mind through God Section, are not the result I want to perfect.

I began to want to find their own answers, relying on a specialist is not necessarily able to identify the real problem spots; patients themselves have to think more. Then I found that I should continue to hang ENT, because the ENT system with the human body sense of balance should also be related, so I should look at the ENT and see if they have to implement the clinical experience? the doctors who have to listen to my history; now I can even hand Road, will have a cough, the chest part of the feeling of , but also asthma, is the kind of cold feeling after sputum; issue this feeling in the chest, very bad; The doctor is very open, not only targeted at parts of his own specialty, so she suggested that I should again to hang chest medicine and a cardiologist to see. On 11 / 6, she opened the medicine are:

M340 Strovitan SC tab (Vitamin Complex) Division de Lao Weidan
M198 Songora 50mg/tab (Nicametate Citrate) Shuang Li
A224 Amprazo Pink spindles (Alprazolam) 0.5 mg / tab soft an ingot
M107 Medicon A capsules (Dextromethoorphan + Pot Cresolsulfonate + Lysozyme) by co-capsule cough Rehabilitation
Seven copies of the above.

This also made the following blood tests:
1, Cholesterol
2, Triglyceride
3, Glucose AC
4, CBC and Platelet
So next week to look at inspection reports.

I hope I can find a natural real problem, not unilaterally by the doctor, I sometimes right in Taiwan, the status of the doctor-patient relationship, not very satisfied; but I always think people are still to be thankful heart, a good physician, or exist.

Hope that like me, who have the same diagnosis or physician can be very determined to concentrate on post-secondary study group of patients we do with each other to provide some information to more people can access information.

我試著將自己的病歷在此述說, 是希望找到能有跟我一樣的病歷的人可以一起分享.

我在今年初大約二月開始有小區塊的掉髮現象, 有這現象時, 我喉嚨有些澀澀甚至像感冒後發炎的感覺; 但我都沒有去醫院看門診.

但從今年六月期間我開始去台大醫院看皮膚科, 但並沒有獲得很好的醫病互動關係, 這讓我對一流的醫院有了負面的觀感. 從今年六月開始, 我的工作開始進入一個新的哩程碑; 必須需自己一個人由研發設計找材料, 學新軟體, 要進行 layout 發包作業, 還包括小量試產安排; 這期間我壓力很大, 於此同時; 我也一如往常, 儘可能找時間去游泳池做休閒活動. 但能無法阻止不斷的頭髮變白; 當然其間有遇上一些感情的因素. 我開始發現自己的身體出了警訊, 這告訴我我自己必須要先剷除一些不能解除的煩惱, 不管是工作, 家庭, 感情都好; 祇有先顧好身體, 否則其餘免談.

所以我在經過九月中過後, 開始覺得頭部會有昏眩的短暫現象;甚至嚴重時每2~5分鐘護會有一次1~2秒的昏眩情況, 所以我覺得這樣不對; 就去慈濟醫院台北分院看神經科, 起初醫師覺得也許我是壓力過大, 祇開了個 安暈朗錠 Andiza 25mg/tab Diphenidol 讓我可以不會太暈. 但一週後我又回診, 向醫師說無效, 其間我試著有去放鬆心情, 也會有好一點; 但仍無法改變我持續頭髮變白的情況. 我心理祇想說我想要做頭部電腦斷層掃瞄, 以確定我腦部裡是否有異常狀況. 我很討厭醫院的系統, 醫生通常只會想針對跟他的醫療範疇有關的部份, 他們才會特別作進一步檢測與分析. 我只好再掛皮膚科, 結果也只是說是"圓形禿", 僅說是 " 是果非因 ", 當然給我了一些可能會發生圓形禿的所有可能現象都會有機會造成 "圓形禿", 但這也都不是我要的; 每次看一位醫生我都會說當我白髮嚴重時, 我的喉嚨都會有一種像是感冒後的發炎的感覺; 但事實是我根本沒有感冒; 之後我又去看身心醫學科, 但都沒有獲得我想要的完美結果.

我開始想要自己找尋答案, 靠一種專科醫師並不一定能找出真正的問題點; 病人自己也要多想想. 後來我發現我應該要繼續掛耳鼻喉科, 因為耳鼻喉系統跟人體的平衡感應該也有關係, 所以我也應看看耳鼻喉科並看看他們是否有實際的臨床經驗? 這位醫師有把我的病史聽進去; 現在我甚至手路胸口部份都會有咳嗽的感覺, 而且會喘,  是那種感冒後有痰的感覺; 問題這感覺是在胸口, 很不好; 這位醫師很 open , 不會祇管他自己的專科部份, 所以她也建議我要再去掛胸腔內科與心臟內科去看看. 這次她開的藥有 :

M340 Strovitan SC tab (Vitamin Complex) 司脫勞維丹
M198 Songora 50mg/tab (Nicametate Citrate) 爽力
A224 Amprazo 粉紅錠 (Alprazolam) 0.5 mg/tab 柔安錠
M107 Medicon A膠囊(Dextromethorphan+Pot Cresolsulfonate+Lysozyme) 減咳康複合膠囊

1, Cholesterol
2, Triglyceride
3, Glucose AC
4, CBC and Platelet

希望我可以找到自然真正的問題, 不能單方面的靠醫生, 在台灣我有時候對現況的醫病關係, 不是很滿意; 但我總是想人還是要心存感恩心, 好的醫師, 還是存在的.

希望跟我有同樣診狀的人或是有心的醫師能夠很專心地專研我們這樣的一群病人, 相互提供一些資訊給更多的人可以查閱參考.

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