Thursday, November 26, 2009

How do I determine the true and false black glutinous rice? 如何判定黑糯米真假?

Since the appearance of the black glutinous rice bran layer contains the most water-soluble plant pigments, so in appearance, there are black, dark purple or red, etc. colors, so immersed in the water, the plant pigment will be dissolved. In general, to distinguish whether the staining of the black glutinous rice glutinous rice of the way, you can buy back the black glutinous rice of the bran layer removed, if the internal rendering such as general glutinous rice-like white, compared with the normal of the black glutinous rice; if the internal rendering color or irregular distribution of pigment, you may stain the glutinous rice.

如果想知道如何判斷黑糯米的真假, 可以參考官方說法.為甚麼我想要找這種資訊勒?因為我就是忽然想要吃飯糰, 但是想找一些健康早餐; 譬如五穀米之類啥的. 住家附近最近有了一攤專門賣飯糰的早餐, 就跟她買了黑糯米飯糰; 但實在不知道它的真假, 因為台灣現在的不肖黑心業者太多了, 雖然我很痛惡農委會; 但剛好找到這個資訊, 不過身為政府農業主管機關, 這裡面的問與答內容也未免太少了些! 臺灣有多少農作物阿?只能說, 求助政府, 不如自助!

所以阿!! 大家想知道多一點有關稻米的資訊, 還是去 wiki 上看看好了, here.
公民新聞  或 糯米的加工介紹.

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