Saturday, November 28, 2009

Gesture Recognition / 姿勢識別

Regarding to gesture recognition technology, can be found here; the application of this technology will be launched in the next wave of Wii-like or the iPhone-like ; I recommend you would like to know the application of such technology can be to search for MIT's CSAIL. Will be able to find a the latest applied research. Of course, the wiki search is the fastest way! Http://, the application of this one example is The Future of Shopping. I personally think that the future of these can be done:
a) small-scale teaching platform for the establishment of an interactive curriculumb) medical rehabilitation platformc) large-scale interactive gamed) Any athlete with the physical posture correction for power between the best performance tuning tutoriale) trading platform for interactive shopping

Too many ~ ~, thinking of all think that the future of science and technology life is very 

關於姿勢識別的技術, 可以參考這裡; 這項技術的應用在未來定會掀起一波 Wii 或 iPhone 般的浪潮; 我推薦大家想知道這類技術的應用, 可以至 MIT 的 CSAIL 搜尋. 一定可以找到最新的應用研究.
當然上 wiki 查是最快的囉 !  , 這個的應用其中的一個例子就是 The Future of Shopping. 我個人認為以後這些可以做 :
a) 小型教學互動式課程平台建立
b) 醫療復健平台
c) 大型互動遊戲機
d) 任何運動員姿勢矯正與物理作功間的最佳效能調整教程
e) 互動式購物交易平台
很多吧~~, 想到都覺得未來的科技生活很不可思議吧

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