Friday, February 26, 2010

Layout Guide Criteria

These days I am reviewing layout guides for keys parts about Spartan-6 FPGA Layout H/W platform, so the layout criteria about this projects can be listed up together. This phase is important that a real placement & route during layout house processing. Pheu, really learned a lot! jeje...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


我上網 google 了一下, 真給他找到,...請看
弦樂器改成右手觸控指撥, 左手一樣可以撥弄合弦. 喜歡電吉他的愛樂者, 別錯過了這難得的創新產品. 不過他的設計也是基於 Linux 平台, 不過我可不欣賞他的"Patent Pending", 取之於 Linux 卻搞 Patent!!! 希望有志者, 跟他拼了, 來個 Open Source Digital Guitar.

廣邀 KiCad 愛好者

相信你收尋到這裡, 想必也是受 KiCad 的 Open Source Layout Tool 給吸引過來!!! 我們是一群堅信與邁向開發 Open Source Hardware Plate form 的 Copyleft 公司, 歡迎任何想以 KiCad 來開發 Open Source Hardware 產品的朋友, 加入這個共同 layout 開發的環境.目前主要的 Project 項目有:

1, Projects List , 以北京君正 Ingenic jz47xx 32位嵌入式处理器,基于君正创新的XBurst CPU微体系架构系列硬體開發為主軸之移動多媒体產品.

2,上述 Projects lists 裡之所有基於開放原始碼延伸之各類軟體開發.

歡迎有興趣的朋友, 可加入 Development List 討論與學習, 或閱接收最新消息.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


今天並未真正到象山步道走去~我只是想去信義吳興街那看看走走~先是知道了步道入口, 後覺得天氣不是太好~作罷! 到是去了松山區吃了碗喜歡的魷魚粳麵(在松德天上媽祖廟前)~ 個人覺得味道挺ok的, 每次來吳興街逸仙路附近就有種默名的親近感~很舒服.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tickets of Swimming

Just bought a set of 30 tickets from, same as last year. Money is bringing to that what I am thinking. I chose health. Of course I like money, who doesn't like?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

9.04 如何設定 NetworkManager 連上 ADSL

怎都沒想到以為 Ubuntu 9.04 很強大, 帶回宜蘭上網 ADSL 竟不能上線~~
9.04 如何設定 NetworkManager 連上 ADSL
或 ADSL每次sudo pppoeconf才能拨号上网的问题 

Friday, February 12, 2010

關於[必教會孩子的事?] 的民調

今天我看到這民調, 我其實一點不覺得如何. 
上述引用來自Yahoo!奇摩新聞. 但我很納悶的事就是這則民調的出發點為何? 
這些結果是來自誰的看法或期望呢? 從 1. 品德禮貌 ~ 到 15. 獨立思考 這麼多選項, 就表示成人父母們對孩子的[望子成龍, 望女成鳳] ? ......我只知道一件很重要的事而已: 上梁不正, 下樑歪 .  當自己都做不好時, 想教會孩子, 多數能成功嗎?

所以應該也要有一項民調給小朋友們來填寫勾選才是, 不是嗎? 
『必教會為人父母者必學會的事?』如何? 所有社會現象來自最基本的家庭, 孩子無辜阿!!!

Happy to Chinese New Year

Time goes fast, last year was past. There's so much woderful things and thanksgiving in 2009. Of course had have sad ones. But being a moving forward. Cheer up! The new coming Chinese Tiger New Year! 

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Thanksgiving Date to Everyone

I am really feeling that what I have now, what I haven't till now, what I will have or whatever it will be later....I thank all of everthing and everyone. I have long time no have such thanksgiving feeling. Any positve stream fills inside of my hearth is to feel more powerful. I hope that everyone can cherish on that what they have not think too many what they don't have too much.
Even I am still single but feel in a state of bliss at this moment. One more week, it'll be having the Chiese New Year. This year I don't have yearly bonus. It's not big deal as a full strong sufficing feelings to be full of my heart. Cause I did one donate thing today. It let me felt good.
While writing this, I am listening to my best web radio To anyone who I loved before can have a feeling with psychological well-being.

Fingerprint Sensor

I am searching those fingerprint sensors that I can use it by implementing my project before. The question is that I used a 256x256 grey scale sensor with bmp file captured before. This is not a new tech now. I just want to explore those software or digital signal inside of techs. Some issues I need to solve them before I implement it by linux program:
a) translate Matlab again into C++ codes
b) apply dsp tool kit especially fft and convolution to implement matlab codes
c) find a hardware platform for this basic dsp and also can accept directly digital format like CCIR-656 from fingerprint sensor
d) linux learning
e) etc


螢火蟲之墓看完後,令我蒙生一個念頭, 這是加深我心中一直想做但找不到著力點的一件事, 希望老天爺能聽的見.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


每次到誠品信義店就像是進入一個特別的國度, 很舒適也可以很悠閒的瀰漫在書海香氣裡, 這裡很適合安安靜靜的待一個下午, 看累了, 隨地而坐, 可以好好歇一會兒. 很喜歡這樣的感覺. 相信生活在台北的人, 是幸福的... 有這麼一個像是短暫休憩的溫馨又安靜的場所, 運氣好還可以親眼目睹大師或作家演講, 想喝點飲料, 也可不用再外出, 這棟總店商場裡就有. 真是好耶. 不過今天我沒買書或雜誌, ㄏㄏ.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

發明家副教授 30年捐2億多

關於這則新聞, 其實個人有些淺見. 拋磚引玉肯定是件好事; 但請試想申請專利的所得到底它的原來面貌是甚麼? 能夠默默奉獻30年, 絕對是件好事, 但並非人人皆可做到!
從小我們在學校學習時, 若沒有政府蓋校, 父母養育, 何來經濟體供應個人可不斷充實知識進而申請專利或發明? 換言之, 所有所謂的知識, 除真正無師自通外, 可說全來自其他, 並非個人. 所有專利發明的申請之念真是為了更美好的人類生活? 還是再創造出另一個溫室效應的地球生態實驗環境??? 一件好事若能堅持持續做, 是在基本經濟基礎能支撐或是堅信基本原則的情況下, 才能持之以恆. 這事的確值得表彰, 但試問千千萬萬人在申請專利與發明的動機時, 又是啥? 有多少人能像這副教授一樣? 所有的企業體其產值如果要去對等二氧化碳百分比時? 一個大型企業再如何宣稱其產值或其回饋社會地球經費與營利比是永遠對地球生態有利的? 有嗎?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Gesture Recognition / Microsoft's project Natal

You must see this news about Project Natal. It's really cool. But actually it has been developed for more than 20 years in the universities. Of course we're expecting the famous companies can make this come true into current life. The New York Times has a report and video for this. Also this application can be promoted like this. It's incredible for future shopping. And also if you want to know that how this techs can be brought into game world. You can visit to know all of those news around.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Milkymist One Repository

Hi, If you want to do open source video & audio platform with Xilinx Spartan-6 fpga, you can visit:
I used their , so you can enter commands on your terminal as:
git clone git://

Monday, February 1, 2010

宜蘭小吃網~ Food in Yilan

今年過年我要好好吃一下宜蘭小吃~跟家人一起去, 懷念ㄛ  here's the english version. you'll like it.因為自己老家在員山囉~所以我推㊣老店 陳茂庚魚丸米粉楊彩卿魚丸米外員山早餐店,ㄏㄏ