Sunday, March 28, 2010


有空又來三峽老街走走, 意外吃到我從沒吃過的口味. 以前吃的手工水煎包總是油泥膩的, 內外都是油, 也鹹重味; 只要看到路邊有總會想試吃一兩顆看看. 這家{萬味風}只做兩種: 一高麗菜包二是鮮肉包. 最近因為不喜吃肉, 只叫了一顆高麗菜包, 剛吃那一口就好心滿意足, 很訝異. 因為外皮完全不油膩, 底層也不煎味十足, 肉餡就是剛剛好合我口, 很喜歡.  你看那煎包上方都白嫩嫩不是黃色那般就知道特別了, 雖然我有經過金牛角店, 但就是沒買, 寧願選這, 哈哈. 跟老闆說借我拍一下~好不好? 他直說 : 現在有數位相機真方便喔? 我連忙說是阿. 還請我多多宣傳一下下,  ㄏㄏ
寄件者 20100328三峽西門町

Text To Speech

I've seen TTS tech before but still not find what I like. The TTS system you can imagine everytime that you will listen the boarding gate message when you are at airport terminal. The reminding messages generated from thus TTS systtem boardcasting. So here I find a China company called ANHUI USTC iFLYTEK Co., Ltd. I still search that beautiful female voice messages like airport broadcasting in Taiwan. If someone knows this system, for example, who produces this system? Is there any vendors related to this in Taiwan? or Any high level voice chip vendor, please let me know. I am not searching the game voice broadcasting one.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Placement, Routing & Sourcing

I am working for one project which is an interactive VJ station. Placement, Routing & Sourcing, yeah...Although there's a lot of works, but it's funny and happy to enjoy this. This industry is very new and interesting for me. Although long long time ago I have been worked in this field before. Especially TV post-production industry, so I have seen many equipments in post production studioroom. For example the famous Avid system, video mixer, etc. I should say this industry to be as Broadcast Engeering. I had have no idea and background on electrical electronic since worked as assistant engineer in 1993 & 1994. This lets me remember my coach Simon who was came from HK. I cherished that incredible experience. Won't forget it! I am thinking that is it possible I can combine this field into my business later? Don't know. Will see.
Ref. : Global placement

Sunday, March 7, 2010


偶爾看看大愛, 生活中可以充滿感恩與幸福. 今天看了"混障縱藝團"的介紹, 推薦給大家, 生活中真正的匱乏不是物質, 從"混障"的活動內容, 讓大家可以聽聽你真實內心底的聲音, 告訴自己:"我一點都不缺啥, 缺的是一顆滿足感恩的心"~一種對生命的感動. ~ 輪轉人生 -- 劉銘. 非常喜歡他講的話: 我是最能夠把心動跟行動縮短距離的人~ 他的週遭朋友稱劉銘是一個最缺乏行動, 可是最具有行動力的人......劉氏格言: 樂觀的人是看到困難被後的機會, 悲觀的人是看到機會後面的困難.

Saturday, March 6, 2010




我不懂啥是神經異常的定義~但似乎發現是否異常的由來~是可能源起於一些無法接受的事實, 或經歷極度後悔事件之後~為了不知如何面對自己的情況下~所作出一系列圓謊, 舒解或是逃避的心理狀態.

我不知自己若是戲中的男主角~自己會怎做? 人人皆會犯錯~又或著是錯過了彌補的時機後常感到無法面對自我~~如同男主角若是早讓老婆去看神經醫學科等, 是否就不會發生這一連串的...但難買早知道! 我們一般人如果學會看待有此類診狀的心理狀態? 並透過親朋好友如何協助轉移這類想法? 或是也是我們看戲之餘可深省的地方.

我們常常在工作, 生意, 感情, 家庭間會有挫折~但怎麼健康的走過這一切~確真的需要智慧. 我自己也做錯過~不是嗎? 總之~這是部很能讓人可說出心裡的戲.

我跟朋友對於最後的結尾煞是感到驚訝!!! 因為被劇情的真實與虛幻間給揶揄了很久~~最後我對這部戲~非常欣賞~更覺得對李奧納多的演技真是大開眼界.

Friday, March 5, 2010