Saturday, January 10, 2009


從來也沒想過自己會被機車撞到飛起來, 那一秒鐘裡的腦袋瞬間閃出人生裡對我最重要的人, 就是老媽和對這世間的依戀~~~原來這短暫的一秒裡, 我的思想竟可以快速到閃過這人世間最美妙的任何事物, 雖然在落地前我也呼喊了兩次"阿彌陀佛",......感謝我自己沒有明顯的皮肉外傷, 至少沒破相, ㄏㄏ......; 也希望撞我的那位先生, 腳趕快好起來.

不過這次意外, 真的要去買高檔的安全帽, 雖然安然無恙, 大概平常沒有太多的邪念, 哈哈哈......
其實同事非常好心傳授意外事故的法律處理常識與撇步, 但不知怎的, 因為有他在, 我都沒啥心思去學這套, 也許是自己根本就不想學吧~~ㄏㄏ, 因為意外沒有人願意發生的~~ㄏㄏ

總之, 一切感恩啦~~~

Sunday, January 4, 2009


是甚麼樣的影片或是美妙的歌聲, 可以讓我們感到心情和諧與平靜呢? 潺潺的流水聲還是清脆的鳥叫聲呢? 依稀祇記得那小時窗戶外的鳥兒梢醒了我的美夢, 而離家近五百尺外的河水, 也僅是夏日豔陽時戲水玩鬧的記憶聲影, 很難使我全面憶起兒時的回憶......

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Water Aerobics

Everytime when I see people do swimming exercise, I try to figure out that am I going to feel high enough from insight natural stream I should have. Through a regular swimming I start to like myself and my body, and feel my cells that do they healthy now, is there another way can make them younger again, haha......

I found there is a good way for me. That's the Water Aerobics exercise. When the music comes up people just shake their body and feel the feeling......then this strike me lot!!! I like it so much. I hope I can do this in a day after day during my retirement.