Sunday, November 21, 2010

Technology: Can Open Source Help Healthcare?

Technology: Can Open Source Help Healthcare?

This is the content, so I really excited again. I was crazy and wondering that if one can create an open platform for medical product development community. Analysis of these processes is necessary. By the community to create a completely open architecture different from the traditional type of establishment the business model. But subsequently faced the question is: how the flow of funds within the organization gain the trust of the community? Who is to determine the product reliability? product strategy development model evolve? product development cycle need to absolutely set the tone?Although these problems persist and fermentation. But I can think is: if in the future continue to operate through the community to demonstrate the practical: an open architecture that can complete the human health care products.


籃 :俗你看我跟姊姊一起養寵物哩! 土潑鼠跟兔子!


霉 :俗~妹妹剛剛大哭一場啦!我現在好難過喔.....
俗 :怎啦?
霉 :兔子死掉了, 妹妹今天給它喝太多水了, 剛剛送去寵物店, 趕快給老闆看;
       可是說救不活了! 我下班回來, 看妹妹對著籠子大哭啦!
俗 :那兔子現在在那哩?!
霉 :老闆把它裝進袋子裡了......(哽咽.....) 我以後不要再養寵物了.....
俗 :那你們現在在哪?
霉 :在外面思念兔子......(哭泣...) 都是我把它害死了! 我不該跟妹妹把它買回來!
俗 :你等一下跟妹妹聊一下, 看要不要把籠子送走, 這樣放在房間裡, 看了會傷心......
籃 :我已經哭完了啦~沒事了
俗 :你跟跟姐也看看~是不是把籠子要送出去?還是先放幾天?! 跟爺爺一樣, 放些日子

籃 :嗯
俗 :霉~你跟妹妹趕快回家上去洗澡睡覺去

Sunday, November 7, 2010

How Qt could bring better third-party software to Ubuntu

How Qt could bring better third-party software to Ubuntu

A great software engineering behind both a visionary program to develop forward-looking direction far. But what is the best use of the most needed or available to the most original use of the development tools?  From the Ubuntu started with Qt as its third-party software manufacturers promote the point of view, we seem to be aware of this intention of the two organizations: Since Qt uses LGPL, the company makes the most use of the free use or profit-making products, and more widely to promote Qt.

New LGPL Python bindings for Qt slither into the light

New LGPL Python bindings for Qt slither into the light

There is a Project called PySide is established by the OpenBossa and Nokia, and its purpose is to provide structure in the LGPL Python Bindings to link to Qt Toolkit. This is a major bullish news, though different from the Riverbank Computing's PyQt dual license: GPL and commercial license.

But I'm a Python novice, to the discovery of a new book called Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt, began first as a way to learn Python.

I feel I must first learn Python, but also need to closely observe between Nokia and OpenBossa future direction. To prepare need to switch to PySide.

To start PySide, go to Get Involved